
Which Industrial Chemicals Will Hurt My Pipes?
Monday, April 22, 2024
drain care

Which Industrial Chemicals Will Hurt My Pipes?

When you know you’re dealing with older pipes, 选择化学排水处理可能有点令人生畏. It would be one thing in a brand-new building, but as your facility ages, 担心化学排水护理对你弊大于利是有道理的.

在State Chemical,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站几十年来一直在销售化学品排污开启器和维护器. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道,这些产品可能有点吓人,因为它们的购物清单上有说明和警告, especially when it comes to your facility’s wellbeing.

为了让你安心,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站已经写了这篇关于哪些产品会伤害哪些会消耗的概述. After reading, 你会知道什么对你的特定管道是安全的,这样你就可以决定下一步的治疗.

What Kinds of Pipes are Most at Risk for Chemical Damage?

Before deciding what’s safe for your pipes, 了解哪些管道有被损坏的危险是很重要的.

Corroded or Rusted Cast Iron Pipes

如果你的房子建于1980年之前,你的铸铁管可能会被腐蚀或生锈. 特别是如果你从来没有使用过预防性下水道维护, cast iron pipes are likely to wear down. 你的管子原来可能有四英寸宽, 由于腐蚀,现在可能只有两英寸的可用空间.

这种腐蚀和/或铁锈积聚会导致管道膨胀, and sometimes, 铁锈在管道中扩散得如此彻底,以至于整个管道都生锈了. It depends on your situation, but acids are not the solution for worn-down pipes.

Plastic Pipes, Including PVC and ABS

In another way, 塑料管道是你在选择排水化学品时要小心的类型. Acids will eat through these kinds of pipes, and while some heat-generating drain openers are safe, others can melt through plastic piping.

Drain Hoses

化学品排水管开启器不能与排水管一起使用. 如果你在橡胶或聚氨酯太多的地方使用化学品,这些材料就会融化. When dealing with drain hoses, it’s best to explore non-chemical options.

What Chemicals Will Hurt My Pipes?



The most harmful chemical on this list is acid. 在需要的情况下,普通的管道不应该受到酸的负面影响(假设你在短时间内没有重复使用酸), but 当涉及到旧的管道,塑料管和排水软管时,不应该使用酸.

If you use acid on a corroded or rusted cast iron pipe, it will eat through the corrosion, as it’s intended to do to clear your drain. However, for badly corroded pipes, 这可能会暴露出管道的薄弱环节,并在其上吹出一个洞. 你可以想象一根锈迹严重的管子是如何被如此强烈的化学物质迅速磨损的.

塑料管道和排水软管也会产生类似的效果. 在这种情况下,管道的材料太弱,无法容纳酸,而且 the acid will eat through them, just as it would a plastic blockage in your drain. 唯一不会被酸烧穿的东西是金属, so it should only be used in non-corroded metal pipes.

Heat-Generating Chemicals

大多数情况下,如果按照指示使用,产生热量的化学物质对排水管是安全的. However, they should not be used with drain hoses. 这些化学物质产生的热量会融化橡胶和聚氨酯. 否则,如果按照指示使用,产生热量的化学品对平均排水管应该是安全的.

What Products Can I Use Instead?

所以,如果你的管道属于这些风险类别,你剩下的选择是什么? 根据您的问题,您应该探索以下内容:

Manual Drain Openers

如果你处理的管道有很高的化学损害风险, it’s a good idea to look into manual drain openers, like drain snakes or services provided by a plumber. In the case of corroded pipes, 人工清除腐蚀材料可能比化学物质产生更有效的效果, which could cause more damage than anything else. Similarly, with plastic pipes and drain hoses, 你可以通过简单地使用手动开启器而不是化学品来消除融化的风险.

Even then, a manual opener can’t solve every situation, but if you’re worried about the state of your pipes, 在转向重型开启器之前,尝试手动开启器可能是个好主意.

Biological Drain Maintainers

If you would still like to use a liquid, 生物或细菌下水道维护器是另一个可靠的选择. Composed of bacteria, 生物排水维持器的功能是释放细菌,将有机物分解到水和空气中. 它们不会对管道健康构成风险,甚至被认为对使用者更安全,因为它们不会引起化学燃烧或烟雾.

An important note is that 生物排水维护将不会打破铁锈积累或腐蚀, 但它们可以防止有机物质进一步堵塞管道, including corroded pipes. 如果您的管道已经磨损,它们不是永久的解决方案, 但如果你的管道是不适合高浓度化学品的材料, 生物制剂是防止堵塞和其他未来问题的好方法.

Reline or Replace Your Pipes

如果你已经研究了一个又一个选项,而你的管道状况非常糟糕,它们无法处理它们需要的严重干预, it may be time to replace your pipes. 你可以尝试很多方法,但到了一定程度,你就无能为力了.

Depending on your issue’s severity, 你也许可以修整你的管道,而不是完全更换它们. 这是一种有效的方法,以防止持续腐蚀和保持您的管道的功能条件. If this cannot happen, 一旦排水管恢复正常,咬紧牙关更换水管是值得的. Pipes aren’t meant to last forever, so if there’s nothing left to be done, replacement is your only option.


鉴于管道类型和化学品类型的不同,有许多不同的风险,您对管道危害的担忧是有效的. 你现在知道你的管道有什么风险,以及哪种治疗方案可能对你最好. From here, 你的下一步是探索一些最好的产品来疏通下水道.